Rich Smith is the Director of Duo Labs, supporting the advanced security research agenda for Duo Security. Prior to joining Duo, Rich was Director of Security at Etsy, co-founder of Icelandic red team startup, Syndis, and has held various roles on security teams at Immunity, Kyrus, Morgan Stanley, and HP Labs.
Rich has worked professionally in the security space since the late 90’s in a number of roles including building security organizations, security consulting, penetration testing, red teaming, exploit development and attack tooling. More recently, Rich also co-authored a new book for O’Reilly titled Agile Application Security: Enabling Security in a Continuous Delivery Pipeline.
He has worked in both the public and private sectors in the U.S., Europe, and Scandinavia, and currently spends most of his time bouncing between Detroit, Reykjavik and New York City.