RSS:2023 Track 4 (Day 2) :: Rochester Security Summit

RSS:2023 Track 4 (Day 2)

Hacking the Cloud: Play-by-Play Attack

Ed Lin
October 26, 2023 10:00 am - 10:50 am

Security Architect Ed Lin will demonstrate how an attacker uses off-the-shelf security tools, API calls, and scripting to discover secrets in a public repository. This leads to user impersonation, privilege escalation and sensitive data discovery, and ultimately data exfiltration. We'll show you how we can help detect and defend against these types of attacks at every step.

The Hidden Power of Analytics in Information Security

Elena Matchey
October 26, 2023 11:00 - 11:50 am

In today's digital age, data has become the cornerstone of decision-making and problem-solving. For information security teams, the ability to leverage data and analytics has emerged as a secret weapon in their fight against ever-evolving threats. Here we explore the significance of analytics for information security teams, the challenges they face in utilizing data effectively, and how they can start to leverage data in their environment.

Simple Maintenance. What Can Go Wrong.

William Redman
October 26, 2023 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Case Study revealing lessons learned from a simple, planned maintenance gone wrong which precipitated a site outage. The outage exposed significant holes in procedures and incident management protocol. Bill will present findings, citing flags ignored leading up to the incident, recovery paths during and follow-on procedures put in place to mitigate future issues.